
Providing the University with recommended action steps and strategies for addressing and combating racism and all forms of oppression, implicit bias and microaggression.

Under the leadership of our Center for Student and Community Engagement in the Division of Student Affairs, the Equitable Adelphi Action Team was established in 2020 as a student-centered council.

Apply to the Equitable Adelphi Action Team

Applications are now open for students interested in serving on the Equitable Adelphi Action Team (EAAT) for the 2022-2023 academic year. We ask all members to commit to serving for the duration of the academic year.

Commit to Creating an Equitable Adelphi

I commit to doing my part to make Adelphi a safe and affirming place for people of all identities through increasing my awareness about systems of oppression, engaging in respectful dialogue, speaking up when I witness inequality in any form and advocating for positive change in our community.

Multicultural Center
Ruth S. Harley University Center, Third Floor
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