

Faculty Profiles

Micah Oelze

Assistant Professor
History, College of Arts and Sciences

Blodgett Hall 200g

General Information



PhD, History, Florida International University (2016)

Bachelors of History, Belmont University (2010)

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Here at Adelphi I teach courses on the history of Latin America and the Caribbean. On occasion, I also get to teach courses on world history and on the Latinx experience in the US. 

My goal is to help students recognize the relevance of the study of history. In some cases, that means I encourage students to make connections with important issues in the world today. More frequently, however, it means that we work to understand the past on its own terms so that we are better informed and equipped to engage the serious structural and social challenges facing us today. 

In addition to teaching, I work hard on three other fronts. First, I push to get students plugged in to fulfilling careers where they can be involved in making structural change. Second, I am writing a book about the politics of public performance, specifically looking at the way that political leaders in 1930s Brazil tried to use concerts for psychosocial engineering and to create a new definition of nationalism based, not on ideals, but on repeated emotional states. See the button on "Research Interests" for more about this. Third, I am a musician, so every day I study and practice on my 7 string nylon guitar. 

Reach out to me at moelze@fiu.edu with any questions!

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