C.F. Eubanks, L.W. Samstag, & J.C. Muran, eds. (2023). Rupture and Repairs in Psychotherapy: A Critical Process for Change. APA Books.
J.C. Muran & C.F. Eubanks (2020). Therapist Performance under Pressure: Negotiating Emotion, Difference, and Rupture. APA Books (Italian translation).
L.G. Castonguay & J.C. Muran, eds. (2016). Practice-Oriented Research in Psychotherapy: Building Partnerships between Clinicians and Researchers (Special Issue Reprint from Psychotherapy Research). Routledge.
A.W. Wolf, M.R. Goldfried, & J.C. Muran, eds. (2013). Transforming Negative Reactions to Clients: From Frustration to Compassion. APA Books.
J.C. Muran & J.P. Barber, eds. (2010). The Therapeutic Alliance: An Evidence-Based Guide to Practice. Guilford Press (Italian translation).
L.G. Castonguay, J.C. Muran et al., eds. (2010). Bringing Psychotherapy Research to Life. APA Books.
J.C. Muran, ed. (2007). Dialogues on Difference: Diversity Studies on the Therapeutic Relationship. APA Books.
J.C. Muran, ed. (2001). Self-Relations in the Psychotherapy Process. APA Books.
J.D. Safran & J.C. Muran (2000). Negotiating the Therapeutic Alliance: A Relational Treatment Guide. Guilford Press (Spanish & Italian translations; also in paperback).
J.D. Safran & J.C. Muran, ed. (1998). The Therapeutic Alliance in Brief Psychotherapy. APA Books (Italian translation).
Selected chapters (20/58) since (2000). See CV uploaded for other chapters and .
Muran, J.C. & Lipner, L.M. (2024). An evidence-based consideration of change processes, clinical choices and positionality. In F.T.L. Leong (ed.), APA handbook of psychotherapy. APA Books.
Muran, J.C., Eubanks, C.F., & Samstag, L.W. (2022) Rupture in a wicked and wonderful world. In Rupture and Repairs in Psychotherapy: Multiple Perspectives on Common Clinical Challenges (pp. 3-20). American Psychological Association Books.
Barber, J. P., Muran, J.C., McCarthy, K.S., Keefe, R.J., & Zilcha-Mano, S. (2021). Research on Psychodynamic Therapies. In M. Barkhum, Lutz, W., & Castonguay, L.G. (Eds.), Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, 7th Edition (pp. 387-419). John Wiley & Sons.
Eubanks, C.F., Muran, J.C., & Safran, J.D. (2019). In J.C. Norcross & M.J. Lambert (eds.), Psychotherapy relationships that work (3rd Edition, pp. 549-579). Oxford University Press.
Muran, J.C. & Safran, J.D. (2017). Therapeutic alliance ruptures. In A.E. Wenzel (Eds.). Sage Encyclopedia of Abnormal & Clinical Psychology (pp. 3512-3514). Sage Publications.
Wolfe, A.W., Goldfried, M.R., & Muran, J.C. (2017). Therapist negative reactions: how to transform toxic experiences (pp. 175-192). How and why some therapists are better than others; understanding therapist effects. American Psychological Association Books.
Tufekcioglu, S., & Muran, J. C. (2014). A Relational Approach to Personality Disorder and Alliance Rupture. In Livesley, J.W., Dimaggio, G. & Clarkin, J.F. (Eds.). Integrated Modular Treatment for Personality Disorders. Guilford Press.
Barber, J. P., Muran, J.C., McCarthy, K.S., & Keefe, R.J. (2013). Research on Psychodynamic Therapies. In M.J. Lambert (Eds.), Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (6th Edition, pp. 443-494). John Wiley & Sons.
Muran, J.C., & Hungr, C. (2013). Power Plays, Negotiation, & Mutual Recognition in the Therapeutic Alliance. In In A.W. Wolf, M.R. Goldfried, & J.C. Muran (Eds.). Transforming Negative Reactions to Clients: From Frustration to Compassion. (pp. 23-44). American Psychological Association Books.
Eubanks-Carter, C, Muran, J.C., Safran, J.D., & Hayes, J.A. (2011). Interpersonal Interventions for Maintaining an Alliance. In L.M. Horowitz & S. Strack (Eds.). Handbook of Interpersonal Psychology: Theory, Research, Assessment & Intervention. (pp. 519-532). John Wiley & Sons.
Safran, J.D., Muran, J.C., & Eubanks-Carter, C. (2011). Repairing Alliance Ruptures. In J.C. Norcross (Eds.). Psychotherapy Relationships That Work: Evidence-Based Responsiveness (2nd Edition, pp. 224-238). Oxford University Press.
Muran, J.C., Castonguay, L.G., & Strauss, B. (2010). A Brief History of Psychotherapy Research. In L.G. Castonguay, J.C. Muran et al. (Eds.). Bring Psychotherapy Research to Life. (pp. 3-13). American Psychological Association Books.
Eubanks-Carter, C, Muran, J.C., & Safran, J.D. (2010). Alliance Ruptures & Resolution. In J.C. Muran & J.P. Barber (Eds.). The Therapeutic Alliance: An Evidence-Based Guide to Practice. (pp. 74-93). Guilford Press.
Muran, J.C., Safran, J.D., & Eubanks-Carter, C. (2010). Developing Therapist Abilities to Negotiate Alliance Ruptures. In J.C. Muran & J.P. Barber (Eds.). The Therapeutic Alliance: An Evidence-Based Guide to Practice. (pp. 320-340). Guilford Press.
Muran, J.C., Eubanks-Carter, C., & Safran, J.D. (2010). A Relational Approach to the Treatment of Personality Dysfunction. In J.J. Magnavita (Eds.). Evidence-Based Treatment of Personality Dysfunction. (pp. 167-192). American Psychological Association Books.
Safran, J.D., Muran, J.C., & Proskurov, B. (2009). Alliance, Negotiation & Rupture Resolution. In R.A. Levy & J.S. Ablon (Eds.). Handbook of Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. (pp. 201-226). Humana Press.
Muran, J.C. (2007). The Power of/in Language. In J.C. Muran (Eds.). Dialogues on Difference: Studies of Diversity in the Therapeutic Relationship. (pp. 285-288). American Psychological Association Books.
Muran, J.C. (2007). A Relational Turn on Thick Description. In J.C. Muran (Eds.). Dialogues on Difference: Studies of Diversity in the Therapeutic Relationship. (pp. 257-274). American Psychological Association Books.
Muran, J.C. (2007). Positioning the Editor: An Introduction to Difference & Dialogue. In J.C. Muran (Eds.). Dialogues on Difference: Studies of Diversity in the Therapeutic Relationship. (pp. 3-12). American Psychological Association Books.
Muran, J.C. (2001). Meditations on Both/And. In J.C. Muran (Eds.). Self-Relations in the Psychotherapy Process. (pp. 347-372). American Psychological Association Books.
Muran, J.C. (2001). Contemporary Constructions & Contexts. In J.C. Muran (Eds.). Self-Relations in the Psychotherapy Process. (pp. 3-44). American Psychological Association Books.
Selected articles (36/105) since (1990), See CV uploaded other articles and .
Muran, J.C. (2022). The alliance construct in psychotherapies: from evolution to revolution in theory and research. World Psychiatry, 21, 308-309.
Muran, J.C., Eubanks, C.F., Lipner, L.M., & Bloch-Elkouby, S. (2022). Renegotiating tasks or goals as rupture repair: A task analysis in a cognitive-behavioral therapy for personality disorder. Psychotherapy Research.
Muran, J.C., Eubanks, C.F., & Samstag, L.W. (2021). One more time with less jargon: An introduction to rupture repair in practice. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77, 361-368.
Muran, J.C. (2019). Confessions of a New York rupture researcher: An insider’s guide and critique. Psychotherapy Research, 29, 1-14.
Zilcha-Mano, S., Eubanks, C.F., & Muran, J.C. (2019). Sudden gains in the alliance in cognitive behavioral therapy versus brief relational therapy. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 87, 501-509.
Muran, J.C., Safran, J.D., Eubanks, C.F., & Gorman, B.S. (2018). The effect of an alliance-focused training on cognitive-behavioral therapy for personality disorders. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 86, 384-397. (Awarded Most Valuable Paper on Innovations in Psychotherapy for 2018 by Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy)
Zilcha-Mano, S., Muran, J.C., Eubanks, C.F., Safran, J.D., & Winston, A. (2018). When can therapists' estimation of treatment process predict patients' ratings of outcome? The case of the working alliance. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 86, 398-402.
Zilcha-Mano, S., Muran, J.C., Eubanks, C.F., Safran, J.D., & Winston, A. (2016), The relationship between alliance and outcome: Analysis of a two-person perspective on alliance and session outcome. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 84, 484-496.
Zilcha-Mano, S., Eubanks, C.F., Bloch-Elkouby, S., & Muran, J.C. (2020). Can we agree we just had a rupture? Patient-therapist congruence on ruptures and its effects on outcome in brief relational therapy v cognitive-behavioral therapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67, 315–325.
Miller-Bottome, M., Talia, A., Safran, J.D., & Muran, J.C. (2018). Resolving alliance ruptures from an attachment-informed perspective. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 35, 175-183.
Westerman, M.A., & Muran, J.C. (2017). Investigating an approach to the alliance based on interpersonal defense theory. Psychotherapy Research, 27, 620-641.
Zilcha-Mano, S., Muran, J.C., Eubanks, C.F., Safran, J.D., & Winston, A. (2017). Not just a non-specific factor: Moderators of the effect of within- and between-clients alliance on outcome in cbt. Cognitive Therapy & Research, 37, 1-15.
Doran, J.M, Safran, J.D., & Muran, J.C. (2017). An investigation of the relationship between the Alliance Negotiation Scale and psychotherapy process and outcome. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73, 449-465.
Doran, J., Safran, J.D., & Muran, J.C. (2016), The Alliance Negotiation Scale: A Psychometric Investigation. Psychological Assessment, 28, 885-897.
Muran, J.C. & Lutz, W. (2015), A Train of Thought: 25 Years of Psychotherapy Research. Psychotherapy Research, 25, 277-281.
Tufekcioglu, S. & Muran, J.C. (2015), Case formulation and the therapeutic relationship: The role of therapist self-reflection and self-revelation. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71, 469-477.
Safran, J.D., Muran, J.C. et al. (2014), Investigating the impact of alliance-focused training on interpersonal process and therapists capacity for experiential reflection. Psychotherapy Research, 24, 269-285.
Tufekcioglu, S., Muran, J.C., Safran, J.D., & Winston, A. (2013), Personality disorder and early therapeutic alliance in two time-limited therapies. Psychotherapy Research.
Eubanks-Carter, C, Gorman, B.S. & Muran, J.C. (2012), Quantitative naturalistic methods for detecting change points in psychotherapy research: An illustration with alliance ruptures. Psychotherapy Research, 22, 621-637.
Safran, J.D., Muran, J.C. & Eubanks-Carter, C. (2011), Repairing alliance ruptures. Psychotherapy, 48, 80-87.
Muran, J.C. et al. (2009), Relationship of early alliance ruptures to process and outcome. Psychotherapy, 46, 233-28.
Muran, J.C. (2009), A fusion of horizons in psychotherapy research: Alternative methods to study psychotherapy process. Psychotherapy Research, 19, 617-618.
Muran, J.C. & Samstag, L.W. (2008), Can some interpersonalists be more different than alike? Implications for method in practice and research. Psychotherapy, 45, 320-323.
Safran, J.D. & Muran, J.C. (2006), Has the concept of the therapeutic alliance outlived its usefulness. Psychotherapy, 43, 286-291.
Safran, J.D. Muran, J.C. et al. (2005), Evaluating an alliance-focused treatment for potential treatment failures. Psychotherapy, 42, 512-531.
Muran, J.C. et al. (2005), Evaluating an alliance-focused treatment for personality disorders. Psychotherapy, 42, 532-545.
Muran, J.C. (2002), A relational approach to understanding change: plurality and contextualism in a psychotherapy research program. Psychotherapy Research, 12 (2), 113-138.
Muran, J.C. et al. (2001), A cognitive-interpersonal case study of the self. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 307-330.
Safran, J.D., Muran, J.C., Samstag, L.W., & Stevens, C. (2001), Rupture repair. Psychotherapy, 38, 406-412.
Muran, J.C. et al. (1998), The development of interpersonal scenarios as an idiographic measure of self-schemas. Psychotherapy Research, 8, 321-333.
Muran, J.C. et al. (1997), Development of a suboutcome strategy to measure interpersonal process in psychotherapy from an observer perspective. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 53, 405-429.
Safran, J.D. & Muran, J.C. (1996), The resolution of ruptures in the therapeutic alliance. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 64, 447-458.
Muran, J.C. et al. (1995), Linking in-session change to overall outcome in short-term cognitive therapy. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 63, 651-657.
Muran, J.C. et al. (1994), Self-scenarios as a repeated measures outcome measurement of self-schemas in short-term cognitive therapy. Behavior Therapy, 25, 255-274.
Muran, J.C. et al. (1994), Patient pretreatment interpersonal problems and therapeutic alliance in short-term cognitive therapy. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 62, 185-190.
Muran, J.C. & Segal, Z.V. (1992), The development of an idiographic measure of self-schemas: An illustration of the construction and use of self-scenarios. Psychotherapy, 29, 524-535.
Muran, J.C. (1991), A reformulation of the ABC model in cognitive psychotherapies: Implications for assessment and treatment. Clinical Psychology Review, 11, 399-418.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Selections from 2014-17. See PDFs at ResearchGate.
Muran, J.C. (2017). Developing the therapist in relation: Expression and reflection. In American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Muran, J.C. (2015). Developing the therapist in relation: Ruptures, reflection and the expressive position. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Philadelphia, PA.
Muran, J.C. with Safran, J.D. & Eubanks, C. (2015). Alliance focused training (parts 1 & 2). In Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Baltimore, MD.
Muran, J.C. (2014). Ruptures in the Therapeutic Alliance: Challenges & Opportunities for Training & Change. In American Psychiatric Association. New York, New York.
Muran, J.C. (2014). Exploring changes in interpersonal process, intermediate & ultimate outcome in a within-subject experimental study of an alliance-focused training. In Society for Psychotherapy Research. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Selections from 2014-23:
Muran, J.C. & Wampold, B.E. (2023, Nov). The big psychotherapy debate 2.0. Colloquium at the Institute of Psychology, Oslo, Norway.
Muran, J.C. (2023, Aug). Alliance-focused training (AFT): Negotiating alliance rupture. New Zealand Psychological Association, Virtual Workshop.
Muran, J.C. (2022, Oct). Negotiating the alliance: Theory, practice, and research. Opening address of semester, International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin, Germany.
Muran, J.C., & Eubanks, C.F. (2021, Dec). Alliance-focused training: Rupture and repair. Webinar, Anna Freud Centre, Virtual.
Muran, J.C. & Eubanks, C.F. (2021, June). Alliance-focused training: Rupture and repair. Workshop, Kim Psychology Istanbul TR, Virtual.
Muran, J.C. (2020, November). Rupture and repair: Negotiating emotion and difference. Keynote at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Psychological Association, Virtual.
Muran, J.C. & Eubanks, C.F. (2020, August). Alliance rupture repair: An integrative approach to negotiating difficult interactions with patients. Continuing education workshop at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Virtual.
Muran, J.C. (2019, May). Elaborating on Bordin: From purposeful collaboration & emotional bond to intersubjective negotiation. Plenary at the annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Lisbon, Portugal.
Muran, J.C. (2018, November). Developing the therapist in Relation: Rupture, reflection and regulation. Keynote at Flokken Schizofrenidagene, Stavanger, Norway.
Muran J.C. (2021, Dec). Rupture and repair: Findings from a psychotherapy research program. New York University Postdoctoral Program, Virtual.
Muran, J.C. (2018, May). Plurality and contextualism in a psychotherapy research program: Redux 2018. Colloquium at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, New York, NY.
Muran, J.C. (2018, May). An alliance-focused training: Towards rupture resolution. Plenary at the annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York, NY.
Muran, J.C. (April, 2018). Developing the Therapist in Relation to Personality Disorders. North American Society for the Study of Personality Disorders annual meeting, New York, NY.
Muran, J.C. (2017, June). Confessions of a New York Rupture Researcher. Presidential address at the Society for Psychotherapy Research annual meeting, Victoria College, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Muran, J.C. (2015, February). The impact of an alliance-focused training on psychotherapy process and outcome. University of Trier, Trier, Germany.
Muran, J.C. (2014, September). Research on the impact of alliance-focused training on psychotherapy process and outcome with a personality disordered sample. Society for Psychotherapy Research, Italian Group, Padua, Italy.
Other Work
Other Work
Alliance Rupture Repair (2020):
Center for Alliance Focused Training (2015):
Therapeutic Alliance Ruptures (2015). Sage Video:
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
2024 Distinguished Psychologist Award for Lifetime Contributions to Psychology and Psychotherapy, American Psychological Association, Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (Division 29)
2022 (Fall) Horst Kächele Chair (Guest Professorship), International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin, Germany
2021 Alfred M. Wellner Life Achievement Award for Research Excellence, National Register of Health Service Psychologists
2021 Senior Distinguished Career Award, Society for Psychotherapy Research
2018 Most Valuable Paper on Innovations in Psychotherapy, Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy Award (selected March 2019 from a review of over 5000 articles published during 2018 in 60 journals)
Past President, International Society for Psychotherapy Research (2017-18)
President, International Society for Psychotherapy Research (2016-17)
President-Elect, International Society for Psychotherapy Research (2015-16)
General Vice President, International Society for Psychotherapy Research (2014-15)
Fellow, American Psychological Association:
Division 12, Clinical Psychology (2007)
Division 29, Psychotherapy (2008)
Past President, North American Society for Psychotherapy Research (2007-08)
President, North American Society for Psychotherapy Research (2005-07)
President-Elect, North American Society for Psychotherapy Research (2004-05)
Joan Sadow Award for Excellence in Teaching, Mount Sinai Beth Israel (1999, 2001, & 2011)
Early Career Achievement Award, Society for Psychotherapy Research (1997)
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Faculty, Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, New York University (2021-Present)
Co-Chair, APA Workgroup to Develop a Clinical Practice Guideline on Emotion Regulation (2019-2020)
Member, APA Advisory Steering Committee for Development of Clinical Practice Guidelines (2018-2024)
Principal Investigator & Director, Psychotherapy Research Program,
Mount Sinai Beth Israel (1990-Present)
Faculty, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine (2016-Present)
Chief Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Beth Israel (1994-2009)
Faculty, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1994-2009)
Editor, Psychotherapy Research (2010-15)
Associate Editor, Psychotherapy Research (2001-04)
Editorial Boards:
Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice (2018-Present),
Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology (2008-Present),
Psychotherapy Research (1997-Present),
Psychotherapy (2004-12),
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy (2000-03)
Program Chair:
International Society for Psychotherapy Research (2016)
American Psychological Association, Clinical Psychology Division 12 (2010)
North American Society for Psychotherapy Research (2004)
Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (2003)
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