de Freitas, E. Sinclair, N. (Eds). (2019). Body studies in mathematics education: Diverse scales of mattering. Special Issue of ZDM: International Journal of Mathematics Education Research, 51, 227- 237.
de Freitas, E. & Weaver, J. (Eds.). (2019). Rethinking social inquiry in the wake of science studies: Transdiscipline pursuits in times of climate change, information flows, and fading democracies. Special Issue of Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies. DOI: .
de Freitas, E., Sellar, S. & Bang, L. (Eds.) (2018). Thinking with Spinoza about education. Special issue of Education Philosophy and Theory Journal, 50(9).
de Freitas, E., Lupinacci, J., Pais, A. (Eds.) (2017). Science and technology studies x educational studies: Critical and creative perspectives on the future of STEM education. Special Issue of Educational Studies: A journal of the American Educational Studies Association, 53(6)
de Freitas, E. & Dixon-Román, E. (Eds.) (2017). The computational turn in educational research: Critical and creative perspectives on the digital data deluge. Special Issue of Research in Education.
de Freitas, E., Sinclair, N. & Coles, A. (Eds.). (2017). What is a mathematical concept? Cambridge University Press.
de Freitas, E., Dixon-Román, E. & Lather, P. (Eds.) (2016). Alternative ontologies of number: Rethinking the quantitative in computational culture. Special issue of Cultural Studies – Critical Methodologies, 16(5).
de Freitas, E. & Walshaw, M. (2016). Alternative theoretical frameworks for mathematics education research: Theory meets Data. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag Publishing
de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2014). Mathematics and the body: Material entanglements in the classroom. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
de Freitas, E. & Nolan, K. (Eds.) (2008). Opening the research text: Critical insights and in(ter)ventions into mathematics education. Springer Verlag.
de Freitas, E. (1998). Keel Kissing Bottom. Toronto, On, Canada: Random House.
de Freitas, E. & Rousell, D. (2021). Atmospheric intensity: Skin conductance and the collective sensing body. Jonas Fritsche & Bodil Marie Stavnig Thomsen, Jette Kofoed, Jonas Fritsch (Eds), Affects, intensities, events. Lancaster, UK: Imbricate Press.
de Freitas, E. (2021). Mathematics and the body. In M. Juelskjaer, H. Plauborg, S. Adrian (Eds.). Dialogues on agential realism: Engaging in worldings through research practice. Pp. 71-94. NY: Routledge.
de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2020). Afterword. Humanizing disability in mathematics education (Eds: P. Tan, A. Padilla, E. N. Mason, J. Sheldon). National Council of Mathematics Teachers. 69-74.
de Freitas, E. (2019). Love of learning: Amorous and fatal. In S. Bignalle & R. Braidotti (Eds.). Posthuman ecologies: Complexity and process after Deleuze. Rowman & Littlefield. 87-104.
de Freitas, E. (2019). Digital research methods and sensor technologies: Rethinking the temporality of digital life. In J. Lynch (Ed.). Practice methodologies in education. Routledge. 63-82.
de Freitas, E. (2018). The mathematical labour of artful mathematics. In Stephanie Bunn (Ed). Beauty in material practice. Routledge. 36-50.
de Freitas, E. (2017). What were you thinking? A Deleuzian/Guattarian analysis of communication in the mathematics classroom. Contesting governing ideologies: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader on Neoliberalism, Volume III. M. Peters & M. Tesar (Eds.). Taylor and Francis.
De Freitas, E. (2017). New empiricisms and the moving image: Rethinking video research in education. In M. Koro-Ljungberg, T. Löytönen, M. Tesar (Eds.). Data encounters. Peter Lang Publishing.211-224.
De Freitas, E. (2017). The new materialism of Charles Hinton: Spatial reasoning in 4D digital mazes. In Faggiano, E., Ferrera, F. & Montone, A. (Eds). Innovation and technology Enhancing mathematics education. Singapore: Springer Verlag. 237-257.
de Freitas, E., Ferrara, F. & Ferrari, G. (2017). The coordinated movements of a learning assemblage: Secondary school students exploring Wii graphing technology. In Faggiano, E., Ferrera, F. & Montone, A. (Eds). Innovation and technology Enhancing mathematics education. Singapore: Springer Verlag. 59-75.
de Freitas, E., Lerman, S., & Parks, A. N. (2017). Qualitative methods. In J. Cai (Ed.), Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 159-182.
de Freitas, E. (2017). Pre-service teachers using core philosophical questions to analyze mathematical behavior. In B. Gold (ed.), Teaching the philosophy of mathematics. Mathematics Association of America. 313-330.
de Freitas, E. & Ferrara, F. (2016). Matter, movement and memory. In N. Snaza & S. Truman (Eds). Pedagogical matters: New materialisms and curriculum studies. Peter Lang Publications. p. 43-57
de Freitas, E. (2016). Deleuze, ontology and mathematics. In: Peters M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer, Singapore.
de Freitas, E. (2014). Diagramming the classroom as topological assemblage. In In M. Carlin (Ed.) (Eds.). For a people-yet-to-come: Deleuze and Guattari, politics and education. New York:: Continuum Publishing.
de Freitas, E. (2013). Mapping the materiality of mathematical discourse. In In D. Masny (Ed.) (Eds.). Cartographies of becoming in education: A Deleuzian perspective. Continuum Publishing.
Sinclair, N. & de Freitas, E. (2013). The virtual curriculum: New ontologies for a mobile mathematics. In Y. Li (Ed.) (Eds.). Mathematics curriculum in school education. NEw York, NY: Springer.
de Freitas, E. (2013). Interrogating our research intentions. In In Patricia Leavey (Ed.). (Eds.). Fiction as Research Practice: Short Stories, Novellas, and Novels. Left Coast Press..
de Freitas, E. (2012). The emotional labor of imagining otherwise: Undoing the mastery model of mathematics teacher identity. In J. Faulkner (Ed.). (Eds.). Disrupting pedagogies and teaching the knowledge society: Countering conservative norms with creative practices. IGI Global Publishing.
de Freitas, E. (2010). Regulating mathematics classroom discourse: Text, context and intertextuality. In Walshaw, M. (Ed.) (Eds.). Unpacking pedagogy: New perspectives for mathematics. (pp. 131-161). Charlotte, NC, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc..
de Freitas, E. (2009). School mathematics and curriculum integration: Challenging teacher identity within the hierarchy of disciplines. In In P. Ernest, B. Greer & B. Sriraman (Eds). (Eds.). Critical Issues in Mathematics Education. (pp. 305-318). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
de Freitas, E. (2008). The art of character development: Exploring the unspoken in narrative research. In J.G Knowles, A.L Cole, S. Promislow (Eds.). In Creating Scholartistry: Imagining the Arts-Informed Thesis or Dissertation. Toronto, ON, Canada: Backalong Books & The Centre for Arts-Informed Research.
de Freitas, E. (2008). Interrogating reflexivity: Art, research, and the desire for presence. In In A.L Cole & J.G Knowles (Eds.). The Handbook of th Arts in Qualitative Research: Perspectives, methodologies, Examples, and Issues. CA: Sage Publications.
Nolan, K & de Freitas, E (2008). Foreword to the research text: Mathematics education under cross examination. In In E. de Freitas & K. Nolan (Eds.). Opening the research text: Critical insights and In(ter)ventions into mathematics education. Springer Verlag.
de Freitas E. (2008). Fear of the Political; Timeless Pleasure; Writing as the intrusive third. In E. de Freitas & K. Nolan (Eds.). Opening the research text: Critical insights and In(ter)ventions into mathematics education. Springer Verlag.
de Freitas E. (2008). Critical mathematics education: Recognizing the ethical dimension of problem solving. In In L. Wallowitz (Eds.). Reading as resistance: Social justice pedagogy. NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
de Freitas E. (2008). Splitting teacher identity: The disjunction between personal narrative and procedural discourse in the mathematics classroom. In In T. Brown (Eds.). The psychology of mathematics education: A psychoanalytic displacement. Sense Publishing.
de Freitas, E. (2004). Reclaiming rigor as trust: The playful process of writing fiction. In In A.L Cole & J.G Knowles, L. Nielsen, & T. Lucianna (Eds.). Provoked by art:Theoretical perspectives in arts-informed research. Toronto, ON, Canada: Backalong Books & The Centre for Arts-Informed Research.
de Freitas, E., Sinclair, N., Armando, Alf, Kate Oi-lam (2021). New spatial imaginaries for mapping international curriculum projects: Creative diagrams, mapping experiments, and critical cartography. Qualitative Inquiry,
de Freitas, E. (2021). Mathematics in the middle: The relationship between measurement and metamorphic matter. Matter: Journal of New Materialism Research.
de Freitas, E. (2020). Why trust science in a trickster world of absolute contingency? The speculative force of mathematical abstraction. DOI: Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, l 8(1)
de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2020). Measurement as relational, intensive, inclusive: Towards a minor mathematics. Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 59. Open access:
de Freitas, E. & Truman, S. (2020). New empiricisms in the Anthropocene: Thinking with speculative fiction about the future of social inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry. Open access:
de Freitas, E. & Truman, S. (2020). Science fiction and science dis/trust: Thinking with Bruno Latour’s Gaia and Liu Cixin’s The three body problem. Rhizomes: Cultural Studies of Emerging Knowledges.
de Freitas, E. & Weaver, J. (2020). Rethinking social inquiry in the wake of science studies: Transdiscipline pursuits in times of climate change, information flows, and fading democracies. Cultural studies-Critical Methodologies, 20(3), 195-202.
de Freitas, E. (2020). Science studies and the multiple earth: Bruno Latour’s risky diplomacy. Cultural studies-Critical Methodologies, 20(3), 203-212.
de Freitas, E., Rousell, D. & Jäger, N. (2020). Relational architecture and wearable space: Smart schools and the politics of ubiquitous sensation. Research in Education 107 (1), 10-32.
de Freitas, E., Ferrera, F & Ferrari, G. (2019). The coordinated movements of collaborative mathematical tasks: The role of affect in transindividual sympathy. ZDM: International Journal of Mathematics Education, 51(2), 305-318.
Sinclair, N. & de Freitas, E. (2019). Body studies in mathematics: Diverse scales of mattering. ZDM: International Journal of Mathematics Education Research, 51(2), 227-237.
de Freitas, E. (2018). The biosocial subject: Sensor technology and worldly sensibility. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 39 (2), 292-308.
de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2018). The quantum mind: Alternative ways of reasoning with uncertainty. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 18(3), 271-283.
de Freitas, E. (2018). The mathematical continuum: A haunting problematic. The mathematics enthusiast, 15 (1-2), 148-158.
de Freitas, E. (2017). Karen Barad’s quantum ontology and posthuman ethics: Rethinking the concept of relationality. Qualitative Inquiry. 23(9), 741-748.
de Freitas, E., Sellar, S., Bang, L. (2017). Thinking with Spinoza about education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(9), 805-808.
de Freitas, E., Lupinacci, J., Pais, A (2017). Science and technology studies x educational studies: Critical and creative perspectives on the future of STEM education. Educational Studies: A journal of the American Educational Studies Association, 53(6), 551-559.
de Freitas, E. (2017). The temporal fabric of research method: Posthuman social science and the digital data deluge. Research in Education, 98(1), 27-43
de Freitas, E. & Dixon-Román, E. (2017). The computational turn in educational research: Critical and creative perspectives on the digital data deluge. Research in Education, 98 (1), 3-13.
de Freitas, E. (2017). Non-human findings from the laboratory of speculative sociology, Minnesota Review, 88, 116-126
de Freitas, E., Dixon-Roman, E. & Lather, P. (2016). Alternative ontologies of number: Rethinking the quantitative in computational culture. Cultural Studies – Critical Methodologies, 16(5), 431-434.
de Freitas, E. (2016). Calculating matter and recombinant subjects: The infinitesimal and the fractal fold. Cultural Studies- Critical Methodologies, 16(5), 462-470.
de Freitas, E. (2016). The new empiricism of the fractal fold: Rethinking monadology in digital times. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 16(2), 224-234.
de Freitas, E. (2016). Number sense and calculating children: Multiplicity, measure and Mathematical monsters. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 37(5), 650-661.
de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2016). The cognitive labour of mathematics dis/ability: Neurocognitive approaches to number sense. International Journal of Education Research, 79, 220-230.
de Freitas, E. (2016). Material encounters and media events: What (kind of mathematics) can a body do? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 91 (2), 185-202
de Freitas, E. (2016). Re-assembling the student body in classroom video data. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29(4), 553-572.
de Freitas, E. (2015). Classroom video data and the time-image: An-archiving the student body. Deleuze Studies, 9(3), 318-336.
de Freitas, E. & Palmer, A. (2015). How scientific concepts come to matter in early childhood education: Rethinking the concept of force. Cultural Studies in Science Education, 11(4), 1201-1222.
de Freitas, E. & Curinga, M. (2015). New materialist approaches to the study of language and identity: Assembling the post-human subject. Curriculum Inquiry, 49(3), 249-265.
de Freitas, E. & Zolkower, B. (2014), Tense and aspect in word problems about motion: Diagram, gesture and the felt experience of time. Mathematics Education Research Journal, November (early access online), DOI 10.1007/s13394-014-0139-2.
de Freitas, E. (2014), de FreitasHow theories of perception deploy the line: Reconfiguring students鈥 bodies through topo-philosophy. Educational Theory, 64 (3), 285-301..
de Freitas, E. & McCarthy, M.J. (2014), (Dis)orientation and spatial sense: Topological thin-king in the middle grades. PNA, 9(1), 41-51.
Sinclair, N., de Freitas, E. & Ferrara, F. (2013), Virtual encounters: The murky and furtive world of mathematical inventiveness. ZDM 鈥 The International Journal of Mathematics Education. ZDM - International Journal of Mathematics Education, 45 (2).
de Freitas, E. (2013), . Studies in Philosophy and Education.
de Freitas, E. Sinclair, N. (2013), New materialist ontologies in mathematics education: The body in/of mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83 (3), 453-470.
de Freitas, E. (2013), What were you thinking? A Deleuzian/Guattarian analysis of communication in the mathematics classroom. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 45 (3), 287-300.
de Freitas, E. & Bentley, S. (2012), Material encounters with mathematics: The case for museum-based cross-curricular integration. International Journal of Educational Research..
de Freitas, E. (2012), The classroom as rhizome: New strategies for diagramming knotted interaction. Qualitative Inquiry, 18(7), 557-570.
de Freitas, E. (2012), The diagram as story: Unfolding the event-structure of the mathematical diagram. For the Learning of Mathematics, 32 (2), 27-33.
de Freitas, E., Wagner, D., Esmonde, E., Christine, Reid, D. (2012), Exploring authority and positioning in mathematics classroom discourse: Professional development workshop activities for teachers. The Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology, 12(2), 137-159.
Zolkower, B. & de Freitas, E. (2012), Mathematical meaning-making in whole-class conversation: Functional-grammatical study of a paradigmatic text. Language and Dialogue, 2(1), 60-79.
de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2012), Diagram, gesture, agency: Theorizing embodiment in the mathematics classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80m(1-2), 133-152.
de Freitas, E. & Zolkower, B. (2011), Developing teacher capacity to explore non-routine problems through a focus on the social semiotics of mathematics classroom discourse. Research in Mathematics Education, 13 (3), 229-247.
de Freitas, E. (2011), Parkour and the built environment: Spatial practices and the plasticity of school buildings. Jorunal of Curriculum Theorizing, 27 (3), 209-220.
de Freitas, E. (2010), . Educational Insights, 13.
de Freitas, E. & Zolkower, B. (2009), Using social semiotics to prepare mathematics teachers to teach for social justice. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education., 12, 187-203.
de Freitas, E. & Paton, J. (2009), (De) facing the self: Poststructural disruptions of the auto-ethnographis text. Qualitative Inquiry, accepted.
de Freitas, E. (2009), Mathematics and its other: Disclocating the feminine. Gender and Education, Accepted.
de Freitas, E. (2008), Bad intentions: Using fiction to interrogate research intentions. Educational Insights, Accepted.
de Freitas, E. (2008), Troubling teacher identity: Preparing mathematics teachers to teach for diversity. Teaching Education, Accepted..
de Freitas, E. (2008), The 5th International Conference on Mathematics Education and Society. Enacting identity through narrative: Interrupting the procedural discourse in mathematics classrooms..
de Freitas, E. (2007), School mathematics and curriculum integration: Challenging teacher identity within the hierarchy of disciplines. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal..
Kooy, M. & de Freitas, E. (2007), The diaspora sensibility in teacher identity: Locating self through story. The Canadian Journal of Education, 865-880.
de Freitas, E. (2007), Research fictions: Arts-informed narratives that disrupt the authority of the text. Interchange: A Journal of Education., 335-350.
de Freitas, E. (2007), Com(p)osting presence in the poetry of Carlo Leggo: Writing practices that disperse the presence of the author. Language and Literacy.
Giles, J., Ryan, D., Bellaveau, de Freitas, E., & Casey, R. (2006), Teaching style and learning in a quantitative classroom. Active Learning in Higher Education Journal, 213-225.
de Freitas, E. (2005), The unreliable narrator in narrative research. Narrative Matters Conference Proceedings, 226-236.
de Freitas, E. (2005), Contested positions: How fiction informs empathetic research. International Journal of Education & the Arts: A Journal of Scholarship.
de Freitas, E. (2005), Pre-service teachers and the re-inscription of whiteness: Disrupting dominant cultural codes through texual analysis. Teaching Education, 151-164.
de Freitas, E. (2004), (Dis)locating gender within the universal: Teaching philosophy through narrative. The Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies., 61-72.
de Freitas, E. (2004), Plotting intersections along the political axis: The voices of dissenting mathematics teachers. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 259-274.
de Freitas, E. (2003), Bad intentions: The research interview. Arts-Informed: The Electronic Journal for the Centre of Arts- Informed Research..
Kooy, M., de Freitas, E. (2001), Mapping the movement of teacher development. Among Teachers..
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
de Freitas, E. (2008). Enacting gender through narrative: Performing masculinity in mathematics classrooms. In The Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York.
de Freitas, E. (2008). Opening the research text: Mathematics education under cross examination. In The Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York.
de Freitas, E. (2008). Enacting identity through narrative: Interrupting the procedural discourse in mathematics classrooms. In The 5th International Conference on Mathematics Education and Society. Portugal.
de Freitas, E. (2007). Troubling teacher identity: Power, presence and procedure in the mathematics classroom. In Qualitative Inquiry Congress. Urbana-Champagne, IL.
de Freitas, E. (2007). The place of forgetting: How buildings address the learning self. In The Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.
de Freitas, E. (2007). Critical mathematics education: Enhancing the equity principle in mathematics methods courses. In American Mathematics Association. New Orleans, LO.
de Freitas, E. & McAuley, S (2006). Teaching for diversity by troubling whiteness: Face-to-face and far and away. In Atlantic Educators' Annual Conference.
Kooy, M & de Freitas, E (2006). The diaspora sensibility in teacher identity: Locating self through story. In The Canadian Society for the Study of Education. York University, Toronto, Canada.
de Freitas, E. (2006). A narrative inquiry into mathematics teacher identity. In Narrative Matters Conference. Acadia University, Wolfville, NS.
de Freitas, E. (2006). Representing knowledge: Developing pre-service teachers problem solving sills through the use of dynamic computer software. In Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. York University, Toronto, Canada.
de Freitas, E. (2006). Class privilege and school mathematics: Teacher stories about access and opportunity. In Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. York University, Toronto, Canada.
de Freitas, E. (2006). School Mathematics and social justice: Teacher stories about power and difference. In The Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Fransisco, CA.
de Freitas, E. & Brookes, A.L. (2005). Research support groups: Building community, creating scholarship, crossing borders. In The Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference. University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI.
Giles, J., Ryan, E. & de Freitas, E. (2005). A quantitative study of the impact of student-centered instruction in University mathematics education. In The Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference. University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI.
de Freitas, E. (2005). Arts-based educational research and the paradox of reflexivity. In Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. London, ON.
de Freitas, E. & Paton, J. (2005). Theorizing the development and disruption of the self in a narrative support group. In Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. London, ON.
de Freitas, E. & Paton, J. (2005). The truth about self: Poststructural disruptions of auto-ethnographic narratives. In The Annual Meeting of the American Educational Researchers Association. Montreal, QC.
de Freitas, E. (2005). Interrogating research of reflexivity: (Dis)locating presence and absence in arts-based inquiry. In The Annual Meeting of the American Educational Researchers Association. Montreal, QC.
de Freitas, E. (2005). Critical pedagogy in mathematics education: Developing and supporting mathematics teacher identity. In The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference. Dallas, TX.
Luciani, T. et al (de Freitas, E.) (2004). Fiction and Mixed Methods Workshop. In Canadian Educational Researchers Association Pre-Conference. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.
de Freitas, E. (2004). Whiteness in a Rural Community: Triggering Reflexive Teacher Practive Through the Textual Reading of Popular Culture. In Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies Pre-Conference, Canadian Society for the Study of Education. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.
de Freitas, E. (2004). Mathematics and the Other: an unresolvable life history. In Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.
de Freitas, E. (2004). The Unreliable Narrator and the Educational Researcher: A Promising Problematic. In Narrative Matters Conference. Saint Thomas University, Fredericton, NB.
de Freitas, E. (2004). Fictionalizing the educational researcher: The hermeneutics of outsider intentions. In The Annual Meeting of the American Educational Researchers Association. San Diego, CA.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
de Freitas, E. (2021). Mathematics and the body. Invited talk at the Graduate Seminar, Mathematics Department, S膩o Paulo State University, Brazil. (Aug. 17, 21)
de Freitas, E. & Sinclair, N. (2021). Invited webinar. Seminar series: Post-philosophies and the doing of inquiry. Hosted by Unviersity of Western Cape & Missouri University. . May 19, 2021.
de Freitas, E. (2019). Keynote. Science distrust in posthuman relational ecologies: Thinking with speculative fiction. New Materialist Reconfigurations of Higher Education. 10th Annual New Materialisms Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (December)
de Freitas, E. (2019). Invited lecture. Exeter University, UK (May)
de Freitas, E. (2019). Keynote. EU funded Conference on Mathematical Ability. Utrecht University (April).
de Freitas, E. (2019). Invited lecture. Mathematics and distrust in Science. EU funded Conference on the social machine of mathematics. University of Bristol (April)
de Freitas, E. (2019). Invited lecture. Bruno Latour and distrust in science. The Royal Society for Philosophy, Human Sciences Seminar Series, Manchester Metropolitan University, February.
de Freitas, E. (2018). Invited lecture. Affect, sympathy and the felt experience of mathematical form. New York University, Steinhardt School of Graduate Studies, US (November).
de Freitas, E. (2018). Keynote. The Qualitative Inquiry Collaborative (QUIC) at Northern Illinois University, 1st Graduate Conference on Qualitative Inquiry, Illinois. Title: The temporal fabric of method.
de Freitas, E. (2018). Invited Lecture, Visiting Scholar Lecture Series, Art and Design Education, Northern Illinois University, Illinois. Title: The mathematical aesthetic.
de Freitas, E. (2018). Invited Presidential Session, Panel presentation. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Research Conference, Washington, DC. April 24.Title: Potent Conceptual Frameworks: Lessons from the Research Compendium.
de Freitas, E. (2018). Invited Lecture in the Mathematics Education Colloquium Series, Michigan State University, Create for STEM Institute, April 18th.
de Freitas, E. (2018).Invited Lecture in New Materiality Lecture Series. Calculating Matter, Vancouver, CA (March).
de Freitas, E. (2018). Invited Lecture in the Control Societies Seminar Series. The biosocial subject: Sensor technologies and worldly sensibility, Annenberg School of Communication, Culture, Society and Critical Policy Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (March).
de Freitas, E. (2018). Keynote. The problem of method. European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Lueven, Belgium (February 4-7). (paper published on website)
de Freitas, E. (2018). Invited Lecture. What haunts the mathematical continuum? Anthropology of Geometry Conference (EU funded), Aberdeen University (January 26).
Ferrara, F., de Freitas, E., Mammana, F., Maschietto, M. (2018). Keynote. Body and movement in mathematics. Keynote for XXXV Italian National Seminar in Mathematics Education, Rimini, Italy (January 25)
de Freitas, E. (2018). Keynote. Mathematics and material media: The role of sense and sensation in mathematical activity. EPISTEME-7 Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Mumbai, India (January 5)
de Freitas, E. (2017). Keynote Response to Bruno Latour. European New Materialist Network, Unesco, Paris (June 2017)
de Freitas, E. (2017). Keynote. Biosocial becomings: Rethinking the biopolitics of mathematics education research. 9th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference. Volos, Greece (April)
de Freitas, E. (2016). Keynote. Exploring new materialism. Arts-based education research SIG. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington (Pre-conference day).
de Freitas, E. (2015). Keynote. Material encounters, media events, and inventive diagramming: What (kind of mathematics) can a body do? EU ERC sponsored conference: Beyond Perception. University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
de Freitas, E. (2015). Keynote. Number sense and calculating matter. Summer Institute in Qualitative Inquiry: Putting theory to work. Education and Social Research Institute. Manchester Metropolitan University.
de Freitas, E. (2014, October). Alternative approaches to the learning of mathematics and science: Concepts, creativity and inclusive materialism. Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
de Freitas, E. (2013, December). Discourse and materiality in mathematics education. Waikato University, Tauranga, New Zealand., Tauranga, New Zealand.
de Freitas, E. (2013, December). Factoring the body into student learning. Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
de Freitas, E. (2013, October). Education and the body. Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
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