Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith, eds. (2020). Leiden: Brill Publishers, 326 pages. ***Awarded the 2020 Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) in June 2020.***
Knud Erik Jørgensen, Åsne Kalland Arstad, Edith Drieskens, Katie Laatikainen, and Ben Tonra, eds. (2015). . London, United Kingdom: Sage. Two-volume handbook, 1096 pages.
Donald J. Puchala, Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Roger A. Coate (2015). . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Longman Prentice Hall. Reissued by Taylor and Francis as part of the Routledge Series in International Relations, 2015; originally published by Prentice Hall, 2007, 256 pages.
Knud Erik Jørgensen and Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2013). . London, United Kingdom: Routledge, 512 pages.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith (eds) (2006). . Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan, 232 pages.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen. “Teaching the European Union” in Kent Kille (ed). Teaching International Organizations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2024 (forthcoming).
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2020 "Conceptualizing Groups in UN Multilateralism: The Diplomatic Practice of Group Politics"in Laatikainen and Smith, (eds). Group Politics in UN Multilateralism Leiden: Brill Publishers. Orginally published as part of the Special Issue--The Multilateral Politics of UN Diplomacy in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy (Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith, eds), Vol. 2, No. 2, 113-137
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith (2020) 'Conclusion: The Only Sin is Being Isolated’ in Laatikainen and Smith, (eds). Group Politics in UN Multilateralism Leiden: Brill Publishers.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith (2020) "Introduction: Group Politics in UN Multilateralism" in Laatikainen and Smith, (eds). Group Politics in UN Multilateralism Leiden: Brill Publishers.
Katie Laatikainen (2020) "The Alliance of Small Island States at the UN: The Promises and Pitfalls of Single-issue Groups in Multilateral Negotiations" in Laatikainen and Smith, (eds). Group Politics in UN Multilateralism Leiden: Brill Publishers.
Knud Erik Jørgensen and Katie Laatikainen (2019). “Chapter 33: The Political Impact of the EU’s Interaction with International Institutions’ in Ramses Wessel and Jed Odermatt (eds) Handbook on the European Union’s Engagement With International Organizations London: Edward Elgar Publishers.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2015). . In Knud Erik Jørgensen, Åasne Kalland Aarstad, Edith Drieskens, Katie Laatikainen annd Ben Tonra, eds (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy. United Kingdom: Sage.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2015). . In Knud Erik Jørgensen, Åasne Kalland Aarstad, Edith Drieskens, Katie Laatikainen annd Ben Tonra, eds (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy. United Kingdom: Sage.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2015). . In Knud Erik Jørgensen, Åasne Kalland Aarstad, Edith Drieskens, Katie Laatikainen annd Ben Tonra, eds (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy. United Kingdom: Sage.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2015). The EU Delegation in New York: A Debut of High Political Drama. In Jozef Bátora and David Spence (eds.) (Eds.). The European External Action Service: European Diplomacy Post-Westphalia. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Katie V. Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith (2014). . In Edith Drieskens and Louise Van Schaik (Eds.). The EU and Effective Multilateralism: Internal and External Reform Practices. (pp. xi-xii). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2013). “EU Multilateralism in a Multipolar World”. In Knud Erik Jørgensen and Katie Verlin Laatikainen (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy Power. (pp. 472-487). London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Knud Erik Jørgensen and Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2013). “Introduction” in Knud Erik Jørgensen and Katie Verlin Laatikainen. In Knud Erik Jørgensen and Katie Verlin Laatikainen (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy Power. (pp. 1-11). London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2006). Pushing Soft Power: Middle Power Diplomacy at the UN. In Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith (Eds.). The European Union and the United Nations: Intersecting Multilateralisms. (pp. 70-91). Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith (eds) (2006). The European Union at the United Nations: Leader, Partner, or Failure? In Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith (Eds.). The European Union and the United Nations: Intersecting Multilateralisms. (pp. 1-24). Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2001). “Caught Between Access and Activism in the Multilevel European Labyrinth”. In Amy G. Mazur (ed). (Eds.). State Feminism, Women’s Movements, and Job Training: Making Democracies Work for Women. (pp. 79-109). New York: Routledge.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2000). "Equality and Swedish Social Democracy: The Impact of Globalization and Europeanization". In Robert J. Geyer, Christine Ingebritsen, and Jonathan Moses (Eds.) (Eds.). Globalization, Europeanization, and the End of Scandinavian Social Democracy. (pp. 139-165). Macmillan.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1996). "The Disillusionment of Nordic Foreign Aid". In Steven W. Hook (Eds.). Foreign Assistance Toward the Millennium. (pp. 109-123). Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen. “Teaching the European Union” in Kent Kille (ed). Teaching International Organizations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2024 (forthcoming).
Katie Verlin Laatikainen. (2024) "Teaching the European Union" in Kent Kille, (Ed). Teaching International Organizations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen. '' Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and Global Governance. Vol. 22, Issue 2, 340-358.
Katie V. Laatikainen and Martin Palous. Globus Research Paper No. 9, 2018: 1-38.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith (2017) to the Special Issue--The Multilateral Politics of UN Diplomacy--in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 2, No. 2, 95-112.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2017) ' in the Special Issue--The Multilateral Politics of UN Diplomacy of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy (Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Karen E. Smith, eds), Vol. 2, No. 2, 113-137.
Katie V. Laatikainen. LSE EUROPP blog, 13 October 2016.
Karen E. Smith and Katie V. Laatikainen. ‘’ LSE BrexitVote Blog, March 8, 2016.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2010), . European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 15, No. 4.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Anne Degrand-Guillaud (2010), . Studia Diplomatica, Vol. LXII, No. 1, 1-22.
Karen E. Smith and Katie Laatikainen (2006), Good Intentions are Not Enough. European Voice, 9.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2004), . CFSP Forum, Vol. 2, No. 1,, 4-10..
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2003), "". Cooperation and Conflict: The Nordic Journal of International Relations, Vol. 38, No. 4, 409-441.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2003), “Calleo's Rethinking Europe’s Future.”. Journal of Politics,, Vol. 62, No.2, 627-630.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1998), “The Nordic Countries, Enlargement, and the EU”. ECSA Review, Vol. 9, No. 2, 13-15.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1996), "Production, Care-Work, and Nordic Membership in the EU: Explaining Women's Resistance". Occasional Papers in Nordic Studies--University of Humberside, Hull, No. 2, 1-55.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1995), "Nordic EU Membership: The Swan Song of Nordic Development Assistance?". Scandinavian Review, 30-36.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Paper. ‘From Non-Alignment to Multipolarity: Shifting Logics in Indian Multilateralism.’ Academic Council on the UN System Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 20-22 June 2024.
Roundtable Participant. ‘No Age Limit for Retirement: Envisioning Six Decades of the G77 and NAM in Multilateral Diplomacy.’ Academic Council on the UN System Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 20-22 June 2024.
Paper. ‘Teaching the European Union’ on Panel Teaching International Organizations, International Studies Association Conference, 3-6 April 2024.
Paper. ‘Nordic-Baltic Differentiation and EU Foreign Policy’ (co-author Karen E. Smith). International Studies Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, 14-18 March 2023.
Paper. ‘Universalism, Multilateralism, and Hegemonic Decline: Shifting Normative Aims in US Foreign Policy.’ Panel organized for contributors for organized for contributors for the special issue ‘Global Justice and Foreign Policy’ for the journal International Affairs at the European International Studies Association Conference, Athens, Greece, 1-4 Sept 2022.
Paper: ‘Northern Lights: The Nordic Group, the Baltic States and Nordicness in UN Diplomacy’ (co-author Karen E, Smith). European International Studies Association Conference, Athens, Greece, Sept 1-4, 2022.
Paper. ‘The European Union, the Nordic Group and the Global Human Rights Regime: Actor Complexity, Small Groups and Jockeying for Influence’ (co-author Karen E, Smith). European Union Studies Association Biennial Conference, Miami, FL 19-21 May 2022.
Paper.‘The European Union, the Nordic Group and the Global Human Rights Regime: Actor Complexity, Small Groups and Jockeying for Influence’ (co-author Karen E. Smith, LSE). International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN 30 March-2 April 2022.
Paper. “Resurgence of the Nordic Group in UN Multilateralism” on the NISA Panel A Nordic “Turn”? The Renaissance of the Nordic Dimension in International Relations at the International Studies Association Conference, 13 March 2021. (virtual)
Panelist. “Motions, Memos and Multilateralism: Teaching World Politics with Experiential Learning” at the International Studies Association Conference, 13 March 2021 (virtual)
"Regional Practices in UN Multilateralism: The Case of the European Union" on Panel 101 ‘The European Union and the United Nations Ten Years after Lisbon’ at the UACES 49th Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2 September 2019.
Paper: ‘The Adaptation and Evolution of Regional Practices in UN Multilateralism’ for the panel The United Nations in the 21st Century: Adaptions and Capacities, International Studies Association Converence, Toronto, Canada, 27-30 March 2019.
Roundtable Participant: ‘A Return to San Francisco: The Evolution and Adaptation of the UN System’ at the International Studies Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, 4-7 April, 2018.
Paper: ‘Multilateral Politics in the Pursuit of Global Climate Justice’ for the Panel Norm Contestation in International Organizations at the International Studies Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, 4-7 April, 2018.
Paper: ‘Between Diplomats and World Order: Group Dynamics in UN Multilateralism’ for the Panel Crafting International Orders and Hierarchies: Power, Norms, Psychology, and Micropolitics at the International Studies Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, 4-7 April, 2018.
Paper: Multilateral Politics in the Pursuit of Global Climate Justice From Global Governance to Transformative, Transnational Politics? for the Panel Conceptions of Justice in EU foreign policy (Globus IV)at the EISA 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona, Spain 13-16 September 2017.
Paper: From Actorness to Interaction: EU Leadership and the Global Politics of Climate Change Cooperation for the Panel The EU in Global Politics: Coping with Challenges at the EISA 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona, Spain 13-16 September 2017.
Paper: 'From Global Governance to Transnational Politics: The Evolution of the Climate Change Cooperation in UN Multilateralism' presented at the panel Political Dynamics at the UN: The Dilemmas of Transnationalism at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Feb. 22-25, 2017, Baltimore, Maryland.
Chair. ‘Contemporary Peacekeeping Challenges: Can the UN Adapt and Keep Up?’ at the Academic Council of the United Nations System Annual Meeting, Fordham University, New York, New York, 16-18 June 2016.
Paper. ‘Conceptualizing Groups in UN Multilateralism: The Diplomatic Practice of Group Politics’ on the Panel Political Dynamics at the UN: The Dilemmas of Transnationalism at the Academic Council of the United Nations System Annual Meeting, Fordham University, New York, New York, 16-18 June 2016.
Chair. Panel ‘More than a Piece of the Puzzle? The role of Member States in EU Foreign Policy’ at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA, 16-19 March 2016
Paper. ‘Conceptualizing Groups in UN Multilateralism: The Diplomatic Practice of Group Politics’ on the Panel Group Politics at the UN at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA, 16-19 March 2016.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2015). Discussant: : ‘The EU, The Rising Rest And The Multilateral System: A Decade Dealing With The Power Transition’. In International Studies Association Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2014). ‘The Alliance of Small Island States at the UN: The Challenge of Single Issue Groups in Multilateral Politics’. In University Association of Contemporary European Studies (UACES) Conference. Cork, Ireland.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2014). ‘Conceptualizing Groups and Group Politics at the UN’. In ISA Annual Convention. Toronto, Canada.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2013). : ‘Intersecting or Diverging Multilateralism: Understanding the EU’s Relationship to the UN’. In at 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations/EISA. Warsaw, Poland.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2013). “Making a Splash or Roiling the Waters? The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty for the EU at the UN”. In European Union Studies Association Biennial Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Lisbeth Aggestam and Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2013). “Empires of Humanity? The Paternalism of the United States and the European Union in Global Politics”. In ISA Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2013). Presentation: Presidential Theme Roundtable: “Teaching International Organization Today”. In ISA Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2012). Paper: “Group Politics at the United Nations: Conceptual Considerations” presented at the panel on the Politics of Multilateralism at the United Nations at the 2012 International BISA/ISA Conference. Edinburg, United Kingdom.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2012). Roundtable Particiapant: Developing the International Studies Interdisciplinary 'Tool Kit': Curriculum, Capstones and Assessment of Student Learning Goals. In ISA Annual Convention. San Diego, CA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2012). Chair: "Seeing the Bigger Picture of the EU as an Actor in International Institutions: Constructing a Macro View from Micro Cases". In ISA Annual Convention. San Diego, CA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2011). Roundtable Participant: “Investigating Multilateralism: What is the Added Value of the European Approach?”. In 2011 ISA Annual Convention. Montreal, Canada.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Martin Palous. (2011). Paper: “Contested Ground: The Effort of the European Union to Enhance its Status in the UN General Assembly.”. In Paper presented at the panel: Measuring the Performance of the European Union in International Institutions at 2011 ISA Annual Convention (pp. 1-40). Montreal, Canada.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2011). Invited Speaker/Paper: “Contested Ground: The Effort of the European Union to Enhance its Status in the UN General Assembly”. In MEUCE Conference: The European Union as a global actor in the post-Lisbon Treaty period (pp. 1-40). Florida International University, Miami, Florida.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2010). "Multilateralism and Multipolarity". In Europe in Global Governance: Performance, Reform, Power (pp. 20). Rapallo, Italy.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2009). Panel Discussant. In European Consortium for Political Research General Conference. Potsdam, Germany.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2009). One Treaty, Two Logics: The Lisbon Treaty and EU Foreign Policy in Brussels and New York". In Seminar hosted by the Czech Mission to the UN during their EU Presidency: The European Union at the UN--Past and Present. Bohemian National Hall, New York, New York.
Knud Erik Joergensen and Katie Laatikainen (2009). “The EU@UN: A New Key to an Old Mansion?”. In European Union Studies Association Biennial Conference (pp. 1-24). Los Angeles, CA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Anne Degrand-Guillaud (European Commission). (2009). “The Logic of Brussels, the Logic of New York: The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on EU Foreign Policy at the United Nations,”. In International Studies Association Annual Convention (pp. 1-19). New York, NY.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2008). "Spreading the Word: Religion and Transnational Intercultural Relations”. In International Studies Association. San Francisco.
Karen Smith and Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2006). Symposium-The EU and the UN: Strengthening Multilateralism? In London School of Economics,. Connaught House, London, U.K.,.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2006). “Grasping The Ring Or Empty Grandstanding? Eu Multilateralism and UN Reform”. In Workshop on The EU and International Organizations, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit. Brussels, Belgium..
Knud Erik Joergensen and Katie Laatikainen (2006). “The EU@ the UN--Multilateralism in a New Key? In International Studies Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2005). “Middle Powers and the EU Foreign Policy: Promoting Multilateralism and Soft Power". In European Union Studies Association Biennial Conference. Austin, TX.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2005). “Politics, States and Civil Society in UN Human Rights Conferences”. In International Studies Association Annual Convention. Honolulu, HI.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2004). The Effectiveness of the UN in dealing with Terrorism. In U.S. Department of State GAP lecture series. Georgia Southern University.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2004). “In Search of UN Leadership: Constraints on Structural, Entrepreneurial and Intellectual Leadership”. In International Studies Association-South Meeting. Columbia, SC.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen and Knud Erik Jørgensen, Aarhus University (2004). Paper: “EU Politics at the United Nations: Multilateralism in a new key?”. In 2nd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, European Consortium for Political Research. Bologne, Italy.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2004). Paper: “Resistance to Hegemony within the UN: The 1993 Vienna Conference, Human Rights and Cultural Relativism,”. In International Studies Association Annual Convention. Montreal, Canada.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2003). Paper: "Assessing EU Foreign Policy in the UN: Capacity, Identity, and Context,. In 8th Biennial European Union Studies Association Conference. Nashville, TN.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2003). Paper: “The UN Dialogue Among Civilizations: The Politics of Culture or the Culture of Politics,”. In International Studies Association Annual Convention. Portland, OR.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2002). Paper: “The Impact of Globalization and Europeanization on Gender Equality: The Case of Sweden”. In Conference on Globalization and Prosperity. St. John's University.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2002). Paper/Poster: “The Europeanization of Nordic Foreign Policy Coordination at the United Nations”. In International Studies Association Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1999). Paper: “Norden’s Eclipse: The Impact of CFSP and EU Membership on Nordic Coordination. In European Community Studies Association Biennial Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1999). Paper: “Losing Moral Authority? The Impact of CFSP and EU Membership on Common Nordic Positions in the United Nations". In 89th Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies. University of Washington.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1998). Paper: “Europeanization and Gendered Welfare States”. In 88th Meeting of the Society for the. Arizona State University.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1998). Paper: “Job Training for Women in the European Union: Progress or Panacea?”. In Conference on Women’s Social Rights in the European Union: Job Training and the Global Economy. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1997). Paper: “Equality and Swedish Social Democracy: The Impact of Globalization and Europeanization”. In Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington, DC.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1995). Paper: "The Taming of the Shrew, or How EU Membership Puts Swedish Women in Their Place". In Northeast American Political Science Association. Newark, NJ.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1995). "Gendered Integration?: A Feminist Analysis of Nordic Membership in the European. In ECSA Third Biennial International Conference. Charleston, SC.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1994). "Nordic Aid Toward the Millennium". In American Political Science Association Annual. New York, NY.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Invited Speaker. ‘Higher Education and Multilateralism: Teaching and Researching about the United Nations’ International Workshop organized by the United Nations Academic Impact in celebration of UN Day. 24 October 2023. ).
Invited Paper. ‘Universalism, Multilateralism, and Hegemonic Decline: Shifting Normative Aims in US Foreign Policy’ Workshop organized by ARENA-Oslo organized for contributors for the special issue “Global Justice and Foreign Policy” for the journal International Affairs. Brussels, 11-14 October 2022.
Invited Speaker and Workshop Participant. Rafina Workshop on the European External Action Service (EEAS) and its new grand strategy. Rafina (Athens), August 30-September 1, 2022.
Invited Speaker. Conference in Honor of Donald J. Puchala: What’s Happening to the Liberal International Order?” University of South Carolina Walker Institute of International Studies, 8 April 2022.
Paper. ‘The European Union, the Nordic Group and the Global Human Rights Regime: Actor Complexity, Small Groups and Jockeying for Influence’ (co-author Karen E. Smith, LSE). 'The EU and international regime complexes' Workshop, organized by the University of Leuven, 26-27 January 2022. (virtual)
Invited Presentation. ‘Universalism, Multilateralism, and Hegemonic Decline: Shifting Normative Aims in US Foreign Policy’ presented at the International Affairs (virtual) Workshop, organized by ARENA-Oslo, 12-13 January 2022. Workshop organized for contributors for the special issue “Global Justice and Foreign Policy” for the journal International Affairs.
Invited Expert Participant. Expert Dialogue on “Strengthening the Role of Europe at the United Nations in Climate Policy” at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, New York, 23 June 2021.
Expert Presentation. ‘The Biden Administration’s approach to the UN.’ Presentation at the European External Action Service Seminar organized by the European Institute of Public Affairs, Maastricht. (seminar with academics and EU diplomats). 26 March 2021
Invited Speaker on "Regional Practices in UN Multilateralism: The Case of the European Union" at KU Leuven in cooperation with UNU-CRIS, Bruges, Belgium, May 28, 2019.
Invited Speaker for the panel 'Shifts in Global Power Relations, the European Union and the United Nations', UNU-CRIS Townhall Lecture, Gothic Hall of the Bruges City Hall, Bruges, Belgium, 15 May 2018.
Expert Discussant at the Young Scholars Workshop on EU-UN Relations, Barcelona Institute of International Studies under the auspices of the EUN-NET Jean Monnet Network on EU-UN Relations, Barcelona, Spain
13 September 2017.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen “Global Responsibility’ at the Opening Seminar of the Politics Program, School of Management, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, September 22, 2016.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2015, February). The European Union Delegation to the UN: Pas des Deus or Faux Pas? the International Workshop “Assessing the EU Role at the UN General Assembly” at Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of International and European Economic Studies,, Athens, Greece.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2014, November). “EU and US Paternalism in Global Politics.” Presentation at a Ph.D Seminar. Center for European Studies, University of Ghent,, Ghent, Belgium.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2013, September). Plenary Speaker. Europe and Global Affairs Semi-Plenary. Plenary Speaker. Europe and Global Affairs Semi-Plenary. ‘Multipolarity and the EU’s Approach to Multilateralism’ 8th Pan European Conference/European International Studies Association conference in, Warsaw, Poland.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2012, June). Invited Panelist: 'EU-US relations after the Lisbon Treaty'. Roundtable Series on EU Foreign Policy after the Lisbon Treaty. London School of Economics, London, United Kingdom.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2011, July). Invited Panelist: "Making Multilateralism Effective. The Role of the European Union". The Conference Sponsored Jointly by the Italian Institute of International Affairs and Kiel University held at the Permanent Representaion of the Land of Schleswig-Holstein to the Federal Government, Berlin, Germany.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2010, June). "The EU, The US, and Multilateralism at the UN". Institute of European Studies of Macau, Macau SAR, CHINA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2010, May). "The EU and Multilateral Leadership at the UN after the Lisbon Treaty ". Institute of European Studies of Macau, Macau SAR, CHINA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2010, May). "American Identity in World Politics". United International College, Zhuhai, CHINA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2010, April). "The Politics of Climate Change After Copenhagen. Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau SAR, CHINA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2010, April). "The EU, the US, and Multilateralism at the United Nations". Hong Kong University, Hong Kong SAR, CHINA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2010, March). "The EU, The US, and Multilateralism at the UN". Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, CHINA.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2007, October). The EU as a Global Actor in the UN Reform Process. German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin, Germany,.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2006, November). The Passion of Teaching. 鶹ֱ--Sponsored by the Senate Committee on Advising and Teaching.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2006, November). Are Trans-Atlantic Relations Back on Track? From Contentious Difference to Common Ground. 鶹ֱ Retired Faculty Lecture.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2002, May). Keynote Speaker. “World Politics and American Priorities—2002 to 2020,”. Walker Institute Alumni Seminar, Columbia SC,.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2002, April). “Changing Bloc Dynamics at the UN: The European Eclipse of Scandinavia”. Walker Institute of International Studies, University of South Carolina.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2000, November). Globalization: Its Dynamics and Moral Implications,”. King’s College Center for Ethics.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (2000, April). Keynote Lecture: “The Social Policy Implications of European Monetary Union,”. Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honors Society, King’s College.
Katie Verlin Laatikainen (1998, February). “Job Training for Women in the European Union: Progress or Panacea?”. Conference on Women’s Social Rights in the European Union: Job Training and the Global Economy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
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